Nov 27 2012 Interested in volunteering? Personal Information Name: Address: Postal Code: I would like to receive the Crime Stoppers Magazine to my house. Home Phone: Cell Phone: E-mail Address: I agree to receiving the monthly volunteer e-newsletter via e-mail. (required for volunteers) Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Phone Number: Emergency Contact Relation: Current Employer: Position: At this job since: What areas are you interested in volunteering for? Small Events (BBQs, golf 50/50s, CAT Events, etc.) Admin Tasks Promotion (Online, in person) Presentations Large-Scale Event Planning Re-enactment Acting* *you will be required to fill in additional information later in the application process Special Skills or Qualifications Summarize special skills and qualifications you have acquired from education, employment, previous volunteer work, or through other activities (including hobbies and sports). Previous Volunteer Experience Summarize your previous volunteer experience including which organization, time frame, and in what capacity. Why would you like to volunteer for Crime Stoppers? How did you hear about this opportunity? Television Facebook/Twitter Website Magazine Current Staff/Volunteer/Board Member: Other: I agree to fill out a Police Check form should I be accepted as a Crime Stoppers Volunteer. (required)